Friday, September 13, 2013

How did I get $100 of free Shaklee products?

I finally placed my order for my $100 of free Shaklee!!! I am such a thrifty person that it was really hard for me to decide how to efficiently spend that money.  I mean it took me about 2 weeks! I know that sounds crazy but I want to get the most for my money.

I decided to spend it on items to use for future Shaklee 180 parties.  I got the mixed assortment of Shaklee 180 smoothee mix. Yum!  The peanut butter and chocolate chip meal bars, can't wait to bite into one of those. The Shaklee 180 Green Matcha Energizing Tea. I did some research on Green Matcha, honestly I had never heard of it.  This is one amazing little tea leaf! I will do a blog post later just on this little leaf, I promise it is pretty amazing! Finally, I got some of those cool little Shaklee 180 smoothee shaker bottles. Can you finish the song "Shake...shake...shake....."

Now, while you are in full suspense and you have that song stuck in your mind, you are probably wondering how in the world did I get all of that Shaklee stuff for free!?!? Well......

I used my mp3 player and took in knowledge that is worth more to me than $100!

If you would be interested in taking in invaluable knowledge about your health, your families health or even close friends contact me so I can get you on your way to your FREE Shaklee products!! It doesn't cost you anything, I promise. Just your time in listening to either mp3, cd's, or cassette tapes.

It will take us about 2 minutes to sign up. It takes longer to pop a bowl of popcorn! 

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