Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homeschool conference Washington, DC

This past May we went to the Teach Them Diligently home school conference and we loved it!! We walked away with an amazing amount of information and learned a little truth about dinosaurs, thanks Ken Ham. We got to speak directly with Sonya Shafer about the Charlotte Mason Method and much more. We met an amazing lady, Shirley Solis, and she is truly a remarkable person.  Our experience with her will forever touch my family.

We have decided to go again next year and will be registering today.  Why today? Isn't it a little early? May isn't for another 8 months! Since I follow their Facebook page and newsletter in my email, I am saving $40 off the family registration!! Which means a total $35 instead of $70 for our whole family to attend. This is such a good deal that we decided to register for the conference in Washington, DC.  We are saving a lot of money with the early bird discount and the discount in the newsletter so if you haven't signed up for the newsletter....go do it NOW! Click on the link to sign up for the newsletter: Teach Them Diligently Conference

There are actually a few reasons why we chose Washington, DC and not one of the places a little closer.  First, Voddie Baucham and Ken Ham will only be in Washington, DC.  These are definitely two speakers of MANY that we don't want to miss!!

Secondly, when I was in high school I missed my senior trip to Washington, DC due to illness and had to be hospitalized for a week.  My husband and I always talked about going there one day to make up for the trip that I missed.  That was around 17 years ago and as always God's timing is perfect!  I am thankful that I missed the trip because I know I wouldn't of enjoyed as much as I will in May.  Now, I have my husband and son to go with me and anything we do as a family is more memorable to me than those crazy high school years.  Now, to plan and budget for May of 2014!!

Stay tuned for more postings building up to a great conference!

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