Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Nature Study

Diligence in our Home: Nature Study: Adrian is a very nature oriented little person so this is always fun for him.  Nature Study involves being outside, observing, and documen...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Latin

Diligence in our Home: Latin: I want to make clear that I am not fluent in Latin or ever took a Latin course in my life.  Can I teach Latin, why not? Just because I don&#...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Delightful Reading for the Beginner

Diligence in our Home: Delightful Reading for the Beginner: Reading is a big deal in education and it is important but don't let it stress you out.  When children are learning to read it can be sl...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Literature

Diligence in our Home: Literature: When using the Charlotte Mason method you want to be sure to enjoy the books you are reading.  This isn't the time to ask bunches of com...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Scripture Memory, Bible, Hymn Study

Diligence in our Home: Scripture Memory, Bible, Hymn Study: Below you will find a more detailed description of what we do in the areas of scripture memory, Bible and hymn study. Depending on what we h...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Diligence in our Home: Homeschool Blogging

Diligence in our Home: Homeschool Blogging: Recently I have gotten many inquiries about how we homeschool.  I have decided to add more of our homeschooling life to my blog.  I will try...

Homeschool Blogging

Recently I have gotten many inquiries about how we homeschool.  I have decided to add more of our homeschooling life to my blog.  I will try to update daily or weekly to this section.  My plan is to add videos of lessons, plans, the ups and downs, and much more. I have already added our schedule and our son is 8 which would be considered around 2nd grade.

We like the Charlotte Mason method and I LOVE what Sonya Shafer has done to help make the Charlotte Mason method easy to adapt to our homeschool.  Her site is Simply Charlotte Mason and it is just that...simple. I was able to make my schedule using her site and find all the resources to help with each area of my schedule.  I highly recommend going to the site and exploring.

As I post our plans and activities I will also link to any sites that I have used for those activities.

I hope you enjoy and learn as we do throughout the year!


One Year Complete! Greenhouse and Chicken Coop

We have officially lived in our tiny house for one year as of January 2017! It honestly doesn't feel like it has been that lo...