Daily Lesson Plans

from upsidedownhomeschooling.com

We will be getting back in the academic groove of homeschooling next week.  I've been planning and will try to post each week a copy of the plans. It looks like I have a lot in the plan but the way it is spaced out and using the Charlotte Mason approach I only spend about 1 to 2 hours, at the most, each day.  If you scroll down and view previous posts you can see how I split this up by the time segments.

I prefer the Charlotte Mason method for our son. Here is a link with a video, by Sonya Schafer, that explains in detail the 5 different homeschooling styles.  What I use may not work for everyone but that is the joy in homeschooling.  You have the freedom to use what works best for you and your family.

If you go to the Simply Charlotte Mason site she has lots of great info that is well organized and easy to use.  I like to use the free curriculum guide with the overview charts to help plan out my week and year.  I only use three textbooks Apologia: Exploring Creation with Zoology because it is written closest to a living book. Math in Focus 3A/3B a Singapore Approach.  This is the math approach that is the closest to the way my son thinks mathematically.  For Latin, I like the Song School Latin by Classical Academic Press and will be finishing this soon.  Then we will move to the next level.  

I am going to focus a little more this year on using Nature Study and found a site that can help me stay focused in this area http://handbookofnaturestudy.com/ .

As we do things that are experiments, field trips, etc. I will post pics in those areas. 


Scripture Memory (3 minutes)

Scripture Memory: Jeremiah 10: 12-13. We have memorized verse 12 and now working on 13.
Below is a link to  a video of how we do our scripture memory.  Of course, what is homeschooling if you can't do it in your pj's. :)

Example of how we do scripture memory

Hymn Study (3 minutes)

Bible (5 minutes)

3rd day of Creation 
Genesis 1:9-13
He will tell me all he can remember, any descriptions or opinions.

Literature (15 minutes or more depending how hard it is to put down the book)

The Indian in the Cupboard (We have already read the first two and are working on the third book The Secret of the Indian). We usually do this reading before bedtime. I have read to Adrian since he was a newborn and at some point and time it became part of a nap and nightly routine. Homeschooling doesn't have to happen b/n the hours of 8-3...it happens all the time.

Nature Study (1 hour more or less depending on how far we walk)

Continue our Bird Study and will now be taking nature walk to see how many birds we can find and write down our numbers. Check out my blog about where to find free downloads on this great nature study about birds. 

Copywork (5 minutes)

Samuel 22:2-4

How we do copywork

Beginning Reading (15-20 minutes)

*Plan was to do this yesterday but we decided to bump it up to today*
We will use all of our new words and make sentences and record them in his notebook.

Here is a link to how we do reading using the Charlotte Mason method.

Math (throughout the day)

Researching Math curriculum leaning towards Right Start Math but in the meantime we do projects around the house that require measuring, counting, fractions, tally marks, cooking, errands that involve counting money, play board games, minimal online math website,  etc.


Scripture Memory (3 minutes)

Scripture Memory: Jeremiah 10: 12-13. We have memorized verse 12 and now working on 13.
Below is a link to  a video of how we do our scripture memory.  Of course, what is homeschooling if you can't do it in your pj's. :)

Example of how we do scripture memory

Hymn Study (3 minutes)

Bible (5 minutes)

Genesis 1:6-8
He will tell me all he can remember, any descriptions or opinions.

Literature (15 minutes or more depending how hard it is to put down the book)

The Indian in the Cupboard (We have already read the first two and are working on the third book). We usually do this reading before bedtime. I have read to Adrian since he was a newborn and at some point and time it became part of a nap and nightly routine. Homeschooling doesn't have to happen b/n the hours of 8-3...it happens all the time.

Picture Study (5 min)

We will be looking at a picture of Mona Lisa from this book.  This book is pretty amazing and I will be using for our drawing activities, history, and picture study

Copywork (5 minutes)

Samuel 22:2-4

Math (throughout the day)

Researching Math curriculum leaning towards Right Start Math but in the meantime we do projects around the house that require measuring, counting, fractions, tally marks, cooking, errands that involve counting money, play board games, minimal online math website,  etc.

Science (Activities throughout the day)

Adrian is also working on his own square foot garden
Currently I do not have a specific science curriculum.  I have been researching and will probably go with Apologia in August.  Right now for science we are using our Nature study to explore science.  My husband also is a science teacher so he can explain pretty much anything science related to Adrian.  Currently, they just finished building an aquaponic system and are learning about what is needed for the fish and plants to co-habitat and flourish. We have noticed spring his started to thrive in New Hampshire which leads to research on tree frogs and rescuing a snapping turtle from the highway. Last night we had to go to PetSmart for a flying trip for crickets for the frog.
Note: We set the turtle free in the lake

Beginning Reading (15-20 minutes)

Using the Aesop fable The Dog and The Fox we will be making words from "alive". I will write out the word live in green and let him add the sounds to make the words I dictate. This seem to work really well for him last week so we will do it again.  We will use all of our new words and make sentences and record them in our notebook.

Here is a link to how we do reading using the Charlotte Mason method.


Scripture Memory (3 minutes)

Scripture Memory: Jeremiah 10: 12-13. We have memorized verse 12 and now working on 13.
Below is a link to  a video of how we do our scripture memory.  Of course, what is homeschooling if you can't do it in your pj's. :)

Hymn Study (3 minutes)

Bible (5 minutes)

Genesis Chapter 1:1-5
He will tell me all he can remember, any descriptions or opinions. 

Literature (15 minutes or more depending how hard it is to put down the book)

The Indian in the Cupboard (We have already read the first two and are working on the third book). We usually do this reading before bedtime. I have read to Adrian since he was a newborn and at some point and time it became part of a nap and nightly routine. Homeschooling doesn't have to happen b/n the hours of 8-3...it happens all the time.

Poetry (3 minutes)

Copywork (5 minutes)

Samuel 22:2-4

Math (throughout the day)

Researching Math curriculum leaning towards Right Start Math but in the meantime we do projects around the house that require measuring, counting, fractions, tally marks, cooking, errands that involve counting money, play board games, minimal online math website,  etc.

Latin (10 minutes)

Chapter 16 Christmas words


  1. This is super helpful! I've always thought how nice it would be to just sit in with a homeschool family for a week to witness it firsthand...this is definitely second best :)And Adrian is adorable!! Thanks!

  2. Thank You Aimee!! That is the effect I was going for ;) I think when people see the weekly schedule they aren't sure how in the world all of that fits in but it is broken down and can easily be down in about an 1-2 hours. I think Adrian is pretty cute too :)


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